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A breakthrough productivity measure for legal departments – pages per intern

Chicopee, MA Mayor Michael D. Bissonnette was quoted in The Republican, Oct. 27, 2006 on development of the city’s properties. Evidently the city has had no central register of its properties such as schools, parks, strip islands, and right-of-ways.

The Mayor said he is analyzing a report completed by a Law Department intern of every piece of property the city owns; but not just a report — one that weighs in at 700 (sic) pages.
Is it the fact that the Law Department has an intern that awes me (See my posts of March 25, 2005 April 23, 2006 on interns.)? Is it that modest-sized Chicopee has a Law Department? Or that this work shouts out quasi-legal?

Not at all. It is the preternatural grandeur of a 700-page law-department opus!! Proof positive of a productivity metric that relies on pages per intern.

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