
A definition of the elements of “process” in Legal Process Offshoring (LPO)

Legal-related work that offshore locations can handle are often thought of as routine but necessary services, support activities, commodity tasks, work carried out over and over – in a word, processes. But what is a process?

A three-part definition by the general counsel of GenPact, a process management company, does a pretty good job of it. For the work to qualify, “[t]here needs to be a process, it should be routine and people should be able to use a set of rules and guidelines in dealing with the work.” I cite this from the European Lawyer, Issue 92, Jan. 2010 at 36, because those who weigh whether to send work overseas or not can test the their services that might go against these three criteria: step-by-step work done frequently and governed for the most part by understood decision rules.