
A far-flung topic, globalization

I tried to find my prior writings on globalization and lawyers who practice “international” law. It is a polyglot group, to say the least (See my post of April 9, 2005: globalization of legal issues may be exaggerated; July 20, 2005: practice area benchmarks suggest less than 10% of in-house lawyers are “internationalists”; Feb. 12, 2006: the terms international, transnational, and multi-national; April 7, 2006: international lawyers in the US; March 19, 2006: modest international trade by US companies; March 13, 2008: high pay for “international lawyers” may be swelled by ex pat surcharges; July 13, 2008: globalization; July 27, 2008: is globalization driving the agendas of law departments; July 27, 2008: questions on definition of term; March 2, 2009: specialists at headquarters and commercial lawyers in international regions; July 1, 2009: vague, diachronic force; Oct. 15, 2009: formula regarding international revenue and in-house lawyers overseas; and Oct. 15, 2009: “global” department if more than 25 percent are on two other continents.).

It is a tough subject to get your arms around because so many ideas touch it. Locations of offices outside the US, ex pat lawyers, and lawyers hired in a foreign country have each earned a metapost (See my post of Sept. 16, 2008: foreign locations of in-house counsel with 11 references; Jan 12, 2009: ex pat lawyers and their costs with 7 references; Jan. 11, 2009: overseas staff and hires with 6 references.)