
A free, online site where you can experiment with neat ways to present data

IBM hosts a site,, which lets a user upload data in a simple format and specify the parameters and type of graph desired (See my posts of May 3, 2008: eleven methods of data visualization; and May 7, 2008: seven more methods.). Besides informing and inspiring users, the site allows researchers to learn how people interact with data, according to an item in the Harv. Bus. Rev., Vol. 86, May 2008 at 30.

Is anyone out there interested in uploading some law department benchmark data and seeing whether we can present the data in new and more instructive formats? For instance, one format is the treemap, which looks like a mosaic of tiles colored and sized to show different features. As an example of how to use it, a treemap would allow a law department to depict its spending on outside counsel by number of firms used and amount spent for each firm by practice area.