
A thickly settled community of posts on settlements

Since my last collection, several more posts have made points settlements. Some particularly concern law firms (See my post of April 9, 2009: advantage of fixed fee when negotiating settlements; Oct. 7, 2009 #4: empowering outside counsel to settle cases; March 16, 2010: fixed-fee arrangements; Oct. 3, 2010: heavier billing when firms sense imminent settlement; and Nov. 17, 2010: parallel settlement counsel.).

Other posts look at metrics associated with settlements (See my post of Dec. 1, 2009: delay of settlement for financial benefits; Dec. 3, 2009: insights from clusters of settlement amounts; March 23, 2010: litigation-loss bonds and swaps; Sept. 21, 2010: structured settlements; Oct. 27, 2010: data on settlements; Jan. 8, 2009: sometimes settlements are split among business units; and Jan. 20, 2009: settlement costs in relation to costs of outside counsel.).

Still others cover, well, other topics (See my post of Jan. 11, 2009: a policy never to settle; Feb. 7, 2009: e-discovery burdens may force settlement; Feb. 13, 2009 #4: blog by John DeGroote on settlement strategy; and Feb. 24, 2009: power-laws and settlement.).