
A way to avoid executive search fees; publicly announce your high-level opening

Legal Week, Vol. 9, Mar 1, 2007 at 5, deems it noteworthy that Motorola announced that it was looking for a new UK head of legal. The spokesperson gave the name of the departing lawyer, Palwinder Hare, mentioned the lawyer who will be taking the role during the interim, and pointed out that Motorola has more than 200 lawyers worldwide to support its annual revenues of almost $43 billion.

Aside from giving the compensation range expected to be paid, that information, plus the fact that the position reports to global general counsel Peter Lawson in Chicago, goes a long way to tell prospective applicants about the open high-level position. Thus, at no cost, and without incurring advertising or executive search fees (See my posts of July 5, 2006 on executive search firms’ services; and March 26, 2005 about executive search firms possibly inflating compensation.), Motorola has cast its net widely for a worthy successor candidate.