
Artwork in law departments

Philistine that I am, this blog has slighted the importance to the effective operation of a law department of art. This chromatically challenged host has noticed that there is artistic color in the world (See my posts of Dec. 9, 2005 on color-coded maps; Aug. 24, 2006 on dashboards that are splachboards; Jan. 3, 2007 with Venn diagrams.), but the decoration of law department hallways and rooms has passed me by.

As the Fin. Times, Dec. 11, 2007 at 16, went on about Clifford Chance, the London-based law firm, and its in-house exhibitions of art and its reliance on Frank Hindley Art Consultants as their advisor and the collections that rotate among three offices, I regretted my omission and resolved to correct the situation. Think strategically about the ethnographic implications of the paintings in your pantry. Conduct a SWOT analysis of your statuary in the reception and above all reframe and rehang the watercolors in the conference rooms.

Employee morale in a law department rises and falls on the quality of the mobiles by Calder, the posters of Van Gogh and Monet paintings, the objets d’art that subtly play off the colors of Six Sigma belts. It’s not just the logos of firms that stimulate our aesthetic senses (See my post of March 23, 2006 about those pigments of our imagination.) but also the performance art that opens our paralegals up to new perspectives. Thoughtfully gild your work spaces and your minds will expand. Ars longa, vita breva.