
Association of Litigation Support Professionals [ALSP]

The Association of Litigation Support Professionals, “the only nonprofit organization whose members comprise the full spectrum of individuals involved with litigation support,” publishes a monthly newsletter for its members. Hundreds of service providers could be members of this group (See my post of Oct. 29, 2007 on this cottage industry.) as could be law-firm specialists. Law departments should be aware of the group and its benefits because those who are in-house and do litigation support are welcome.

One benefit of membership is the ALSP monthly newsletter. My friend Joe Howie sent me a copy of the ALSP Update, Vol. 1, Dec. 2007. It has 21 pages and covers a range of topics about the association, its activities, members, and concerns.

More and more law departments have their own litigation support staff or team (See my post of Nov. 13, 2007 on internal e-discovery groups.). This Association could be an excellent resource.