
Blog site that reviews IP books

Along the lines of the internet making available much management information for in-house counsel (See my posts of March 26, 2006 about open-source management information; Jan. 10, 2006 about internet tools; and Jan. 13, 2006 on more resources.), give some thought to the potential exemplified in a new website called IP Law Book Reviews.

Hosted by HSC Press of Pasadena, CA, the site currently categorizes and summarizes more than 200 books on intellectual property law. The site is intended primarily for IP legal professionals. It does not include casebooks or more than a few of many the IP books for inventors, business lawyers or executives, nor does it include books that are out of print.

This is a very specialized niche, an example for law departments of the long-tail effect. One can imagine many other sites like this, all of which together will give in-house counsel another level of resources.