
Blook review on the four-volumes edited by Robert Haig of Successful Partnering

Actually a four-volume treatise, Robert Haig, Ed., Successful Partnering Between Inside and Outside Counsel (Thomson Reuters/West 2009 Supp.), the huge supplement this year alone has generated two dozen posts (See my post of April 20, 2009: minority general counsel in the Fortune 500; April 22, 2009: zero-based staffing decisions; April 24, 2009: lawyers and their relative aversion to change; May 3, 2009: whether in-house counsel compete with outside counsel; Aug. 7, 2009: don’t send courtesy RFPs; Aug. 10, 2009 #1: citation to this blog; Aug. 18, 2009: dubious metric on inside costs being one-third of outside; Aug. 18, 2009: collaborate with external counsel on your intranet; Aug. 20, 2009: CISCO’s online patent tool; Aug. 20, 2009: court limitations on inside counsel and confidential material obtained during discovery; Aug. 20, 2009: statements general counsel can sign in support of ADR; and Aug. 25, 2009 #2: four-month secondment by UPS to Legal Aid.).

Each chapter is a treatise, chock full of references to articles and books. The writing is stolid, complete, and dense with material. Much of the set appears to be substantive legal updates, but the management chapters are plentiful.