
Demise of the Association of Consultants to Law Departments (ACLD)

Just over a year ago, I and three other consultants formed the Association.  As part of my ongoing inquiries into all things regarding law departments and consulting, I had assembled a list of consultants who assisted law departments, at least with part of the consultant’s offerings, on issues of general management.  (This excluded litigation-support coding people and consultative personnel of vendors, such as matter management systems.).

In the end, out of over 100 such consultants I located, 45 joined.  ACLD produced two or three newsletters and dreamed of a conference.  Sadly, lack of energy and desuetude dragged down the whole effort.  The Association of Consultants to Law Departments ended this month.  A good idea, but it did not attract a critical mass of people willing to invest their time and energy.