
Details to obtain free (or low cost) compensation report for law department administrators

During 2012, General Counsel Metrics collected compensation data for 65 law department administrators.  The report shows medians and quartiles for base salary, bonus, and total compensation as of Dec. 31, 2011 by six industries as well as five revenue ranges (a minimum of four respondents in each).


The industries are Construction/Engineering, Food & Beverage, Hospital Systems, Manufacturing, Not-for-Profit/Government, and Technology.  The revenue ranges are less than $1 billion, $1-2 billion, $2-3 billion, $4-5 billion, and more than $5 billion.


The report is free for administrators of participants in the current GC Metrics benchmark who request it. For anyone whose law department has NOT participated in the 2012 GC Metrics Benchmark Survey, the report is $45, payable by credit card here:  .  The URL to take the short, confidential GC Metrics survey is  Note in the last question some reference to the administrator’s comp report so we know to send you your report benchmark report plus your comp report.