
Dictation with a personal digital assistant

I have been an enthusiast of dictation and voice recognition (See my posts March 17, 2006: higher pay to stenos than to digital equipment transcribers; Aug. 26, 2005: voice recognition software as a chimera; Nov. 20, 2006: voice recognition software; Feb. 4, 2007: digital transcription technologies; Feb. 6, 2006: voice transcription software.). Much of what I write for this blog starts with me either dictating or using Dragon NaturallySpeaking. Many in-house lawyers might benefit from using these capabilities.

The recent news is that you can use a BlackBerry device to record, edit and play voice recordings. You can also upload those recordings wirelessly to an assistant who can complete or transcribe the tape. This capability came to my attention through an article in Peer to Peer, Nov. 2007 at 34 by Steve Butterworth, President of BigHand, Inc.