
Emotional intelligence best predicts success as a corporate lawyer (!)

Steven Keeva in the ABA Journal (July 2005 at 72) proclaims: “Research over the last decade has conclusively demonstrated that emotional intelligence [known as EQ] predicts success more than any other single factor – more than subject matter knowledge and job experience,” according to Jean Greaves, co-author of a book on EQ.

Swallow hard. I hope you are not on a low salt diet, because to accept this you will need to take a big grain.

To know the law, understand the business, apply analytic ability, live for client service, slave long hours – nah, nothing serves you in the climb to CLO as much as “effective communication between the rational and emotional centers of the brain.” Emotional self awareness, lawyer, that’s the key.

Coyness, be gone!. I viscerally disagree with the claimed predictive value of EQ, but to be honest, I may be an EQ moron.