
Even if the Little Prince disparages metrics, some recent milestones of this blog

In The Little Prince, by Antoine de Saint Exupery, the narrator remarks that “Grownups love figures.” He urges readers to show forbearance (at 16-17) because “But certainly, for us who understand life, figures are a matter of indifference.”

Not to me. Not on the tiny planet of this blog, where I protect the roses of good ideas, root out wrong-headed baobobs, and clean up various volcanoes of practices. This the Little Prince and his sheep might smile at indulgently, more so because I admire figures.

Unable apparently to understand life, I turn every now and then to figures that mark my professional efforts. It is of no little pride to me to look back on almost 600,000 life-time page views on this blog, which is about to blow out six candles. Nor do I regard it as trivial that 6,000 posts crowd these pages (See my post of Dec. 14, 2010: three posts a day for 70 months.). For all that efforts, close to 1,000 readers have added me to their RSS feeds, 445 members have joined my LinkedIn group (Law Department Management), and 350 newsletter subscribers have signed-up. Surely, a princely output when described with figures.