
Excellent explanation of a law department that makes good use of a wiki

Nero AG’s law department, headquartered in Germany and with legal offices in the US and Asia, set up a wiki three years ago. As Frank Fletcher, the General Counsel of Nero, explains in ACC Docket, April 2011 at 16,, “a wiki is software that allows you to make a site of internally linked webpages that can be easily edited.”

Fletcher writes that his wiki is easy to use – a one-page tutorial is all that is needed – and that IT does not need to be involved – unlike intranet sites, which in my experience usually require some technical support. The law department has posted photos of its members, listed areas of responsibility, provided template agreements, and done much more. He notes that they have put on the wiki “directions on how to work effectively with legal,” for example, as well as lists of trademarks and how to use them correctly.

Almost anything that helps clients and members of the law department locate and use resources could be fodder for the wiki (See my post of Sept. 1, 2008: wikis with 8 references; and Dec. 31, 2007: Wikipedia and law department management.)