
Expert witness sources

Law departments sometimes need to retain experts to testify on their behalf or to serve as fact experts. Fees of experts in major matters can reach into the hundreds of thousands of dollars.

I ran across a service that helps locate experts, Bench and Bar Experts, which inspired me to pull together the posts that I have written that concern experts ((See my post of May 17, 2006 on the expert witness industry and amounts paid them; April 23, 2007 on 16 resources to help find experts; Oct. 19, 2005 on patent expert witnesses and its reference to Exponent; March 20, 2007 on some superstar expert witnesses; May 21, 2006 on some questionable metrics about spending; March 20, 2007 on suspect data about disqualification motions; Jan. 20, 2006 and a fee audit’s findings; Jan. 10, 2006 and a bill auditor’s challenge to fees; and May 23, 2007 #2 on expert witnesses in international arbitrations.).