
Feed readers and aggregators for this blog and other blogs on law department operations

Feedburner showed on Feb. 28, 2009 that had about 440 subscribers. The top ten aggregators were the following with the number of subscribers they handle shown in parenthesis. The descriptions come from Feedburner. What amazes me is that another 39 aggregators also are feeding my posts to their readers. Some of them are variations and versions of Mozilla.

Google Feedfetcher Feedfetcher is how Google grabs RSS or Atom feeds when users subscribe to them in Google Reader or iGoogle. Subscriber counts include Google Reader and the iGoogle. Feedfetcher collects and periodically refreshes these user-initiated feeds, but does not index them in Blog Search or Google’s other search services. (177)

Bloglines Bloglines is a web-based aggregator that makes it easy to keep up with your favorite blogs and newsfeeds. With Bloglines, you can subscribe to the RSS feeds of your favorite blogs, and Bloglines will monitor updates to those sites. (94)

Windows RSS Platform This represents a subscription from the Microsoft Windows RSS platform. The actual client can vary, but your feed is being regularly checked and read. (24)

NewsGator Online NewsGator online is a free web-based aggregator with a clean user interface that makes it easy to arrange and track your favorite news feeds. Newsgator supports all the major feed formats and has a number of additional features for ranking feeds, getting recommendations, and permanently saving specific feed items. (23)

Mozilla/4.0 (12)

My Yahoo A web-based newsreader that allows you to select and manage RSS headlines within a My Yahoo! account. (12)

Mozilla/5.0 (9)

0 (7) [I do not know why there is no description for O – Is this the Story of O?]

Netvibes Netvibes allows you to create a personalized home page incorporating different kinds of weather, sports, news, product content and RSS/Atom feeds (6)

Outlook 2007 Using Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 to subscribe to an RSS Feed is quick and easy and does not involve a registration process or fee. After you subscribe to an RSS Feed, headlines will appear in your RSS folders. RSS items appear similar to mail messages. This number may be inflated, since some requests from Internet Explorer 7 also identify themselves in this manner. (4)