
Five reasons to consider document automation, and three more of mine

As I wrote recently, a leading provider of contract automation software, Business Integrity, invites legal departments to complete a short online survey (See my post of Oct. 18, 2011: three points regarding contract automation.). Here is the URL.

I looked at the survey and noticed particularly one question: “The following are 5 common reasons for automating contract creation and contract management. How important were these issues to your department when considering implementing some form of contract automation?”

The choices given were:

“Free up attorneys’ time
Self-service drafting for business users
Process a higher volume of documents
Maintain document templates
Speed up contract drafting”

What I wondered about were three other reasons that seem to be plausible reasons to invest in software that helps with contract preparation: (1) Free up paralegal time (since paralegals often prepare at least the first draft of contracts or review the contract from the other side); (2) Improve quality and consistency of documents; and (3) Help train users on contract issues. If these are sensible justifications for contract automation, perhaps they will appear in a later survey.