
Five software packages that help law departments with specialized needs

Every now and then I run across unusual software packages that help law departments. Here are five of them that showed up during consulting projects or reading.

(1) Fidelity offers a package that handles equity compensation awards and tracking.

(2) ComputerShare has software that specializes in the arcane machinations of stock certificate transfers.

(3) Counsellor Library of Hudson Cook, a consumer lending firm, aggregates specialized knowledge and checklists about consumer credit compliance and privacy products. My understanding is that the firm licenses software that assists with that information.

(4) TRACE International, run by Alexandra Wragge,provides information and documents and legal opinions in the anti-bribery arena. Membership has a fee but you get access to legal opinions, a compendium on gift and hospitality laws around the world, and some supportive software.

(5) hCue Entity Manager is corporate entity software from CT Corporation, part of Wolters Kluwer. It tracks when subsidiaries were formed, which states they can operate in, officers and directors, parent holdings, and more. It has templates that draw on the information and it can store articles of incorporation and other important corporate documents.