
Fortune’s 100 best companies to work for, but the top ones have law departments with low management profiles

Do companies that lead in employee-friendliness, such as those honored by Fortune, have law departments that get mentioned for management prowess? No. Does that silence imply anything derogatory about their law departments? No.

I searched among my 6,153 posts for mentions of the top dozen companies in the latest list from Fortune (Feb. 7, 2011). My research took very little time, because none of these top companies appeared: SAS, Boston Consulting Group, Wegmans Food Markets, NetApp, Camden Property Trust, Nugget Market, Recreational Equipment, Dreamworks Animation, Edward Jones or Scottrade (listed in declining order). I did find posts about Google’s law department (#4) from back in 2005 and one about Zappos (#8) and its employee engagement surveys.

My assumption is that all the companies have in-house legal teams. That those teams have low profiles in terms of what I blog about says absolutely nothing about the quality of their operations.