
Four surveys with data-based findings regarding alternative dispute resolution

Those who follow the field of alternative dispute resolution can find a trove of recent empirical research described in Alternatives, the newsletter of the International Institute for Conflict Prevention & Resolution, May, 2012 at 118. The issue summarizes four research programs and their findings regarding corporate legal practice and ADR.

Referred to are “a Cornell University/CPR Institute/Pepperdine University School of Law survey of the Fortune 1000; the 2011 RAND Report on Business-To-Business Arbitration in the United States [with 121 respondents]; The Deloitte Global Corporate Counsel Report 2011; and the 2010 International Arbitration Survey conducted at Queen Mary [the School of International Arbitration], University of London, in conjunction with White & Case [136 respondents to a survey and 67 interviews].”

Since my last metapost on arbitration, I have written several more posts (See my post of Feb. 4, 2008: regression analysis of customer arbitrations; Dec. 6, 2008: techniques favored by mediators; July 29, 2009: costs of commercial arbitration; Nov. 8, 2009: costs of arbitrators as compared to costs of the arbitration; Dec. 14, 2009: a clever rating system of arbitrators and mediators; June 2, 2010: data on forums for international arbitrations; Sept. 12, 2010: a resource to find neutral arbitrators and mediators; Feb. 11, 2011: group of in-house lawyers unite to reform international arbitration; Dec. 28, 2011 #4: infrequency of arbitrations among U.S. companies; and Dec. 30, 2011: 5 to 1 major lawsuits to major arbitrations.).