
Law departments and online compliance training

Spurred on by Sarbanes-Oxley, the Federal Sentencing Guidelines and common sense, many law departments have had a hand in choosing and maintaining Web-based legal compliance training programs. Such training introduces and instructs employees about misconduct, harassment, discrimination, antitrust violations, improper sales practices and other ethical and legal wrongs.

In the US, companies such as Corpedia, ELT, Integrity Interactive, LRN, Midi, and Thomson NetG (Note: I work for Thomson Corp., its parent) offer content, delivery methods, and tracking capabilities for training. In the UK, Complinet provides online legal-compliance training.

Law departments benefit from this form of preventive legal training most obviously if it reduces the number of legal problems that arise. Online training has the ancillary benefit that it educates clients more about legal concepts, so they can appreciate the advice of lawyers, and sensitizes them to the importance of timely legal advice.