
Lecorpio and its suite of law department management software

An e-mail correspondent alerted me to a vendor I had not heard of, Lecorpio. I looked at the company’s website. It listed a number of distringuished clients, including Autodesk, Analog Devices, IDT, LexMark, Merrimack Pharmaceuticals, Palm, Symantec, Thoratec, and Tyco International. It also listed three software applications that I have not heard of for law departments, for invention disclosures, for IP deals, and for open source software. Using the site’s descriptions, let me give a quick summary.

Invention Disclosure Management provides a web based portal for inventors to collaborate and to submit new disclosures electronically. The workflow automatically routes the disclosures to subject matter experts and patent committees for virtual review or committee meetings.

IP Transactions Management supports patent and trademark teams licensing in or out. It helps them track investigations, oppositions, assertions, defensive actions and enforcement activities.

Thirdly, Lecorpio’s Open Source Management lets engineers and R&D teams submit requests to use open source software, participate in projects or release open source code. The system provides self service compliance for pre-approved licenses and comprehensive workflow capabilities for corporate legal and review boards.

The website does not tell more about the underlying code or give screen shots of any of these applications. Lecorpio also offers software for (1) Patent Management; (2) Trademark Management, where a law department can also track information related to domain names including domain profiles, renewal schedule, consolidator groups, DNS server mappings and security credentials; (3) Contract Management; (4) Entity Management; and (5) Spend Management, which it describes as a matter management system with e-billing capabilities.