
Link documents to emails, blog and wiki posts, instant messaging

A recent announcement described a capability that I hadn’t heard about. Handshake Software, a provider of SharePoint-based intranets, extranets, search, document and mail management, and Vizit, a provider of content visualization and social collaboration software for SharePoint, announced a technology alliance. It was what Vizit brings to the alliance that impressed me.

Some readers may not realize that software can enrich contracts and agreements with messages related to them on e-mail, intranets, blogs, wikis, instant messaging, and other “conversations.” In terms of knowledge management tools, the ability to see the document on your monitor and next to it the material from multiple conversations could be very powerful. Here’s how the press release reads:

“Vizit makes content easier to find, navigate, and utilize with its powerful visualization technology. Vizit adds Social Footnotes™ and document conversations to SharePoint 2010’s collaborative suite. … Vizit keeps social conversations in context by presenting them alongside supporting material.”