
Linkedin as a social network for law department lawyers

If you belong to Linkedin, invite me to be one of your connections. I have been a member for over a year and have accumulated 53 connections.

This professional network might help in-house counsel find other counsel who share similar management interests. So I wondered what the membership might tell us about the likelihood of that being a potential resource.

When I recently searched for “law department,” Linkedin had 203 users with that term somewhere in their profile. A search for “legal department” turned up 484 profiles, “general counsel” turned up more than 500 profiles, and “chief legal officer” had 106 profiles. Clearly, an abundance of possibly kindred souls.

Thus, this high-end social cum professional network appears to offer yet another way for in-house counsel to meet others with similar interests and learn about law department management (See my post of Dec. 19, 2005 about industry and affinity groups for general counsel.).