
Malpractice recoveries by law departments

Among the deepest and darkest secrets of law department land, what they recover in malpractice claims lies hidden and buried. Law firms want nothing to come to light and law departments for their part are probably embarrassed. Even preening departments that strut around claiming to be profit centers do not wish to tack on settlements from wrong-footed law firms. Given the delicacy of malpractice claims and recoveries, we have a very long time to wait for benchmarks.

Nevertheless, for readers who wish to delve into what this blog offers, I have collected eight prior posts (See my post of Nov. 24, 2007: advantage of inside counsel is no malpractice premium; Feb. 16, 2006: malpractice recoveries and the billing rate gap; Dec. 28, 2006: insurance policies back up formal opinions of counsel; March 11, 2007: contract lawyers affect a firm’s malpractice insurance; Nov. 10, 2007: arbitration clauses that govern fee disputes with outside counsel; Jan. 10, 2008 #1: a large US firm that can’t arbitrate fee disputes; Oct. 8, 2007: IBM, retired lawyers and malpractice; and Oct. 22, 2009: law firms dislike giving oral advice.).