
Managerially inept general counsel and other managers: nine additional posts

As we blame parents for many misdeeds and misfortunes of their children, so too we blame managers for many shortcomings and grievances of their employees. General counsel, in loco parentis, face similar complaints, most deservedly if they themselves behave badly (See my post of April 23, 2008: bad behavior by managers with 10 references.).

My pool of posts on managerial incompetence has deepened considerably since that year-old metapost (See my post of Jan. 17, 2009: poor managers; Jan. 25, 2009: bottleneck managers; Oct. 12, 2006: clumsy managers; Aug. 22, 2006: the Peter Principal; Feb.12, 2008: dysfunctional law departments; Feb. 22, 2009: narcissistic managers; Feb. 26, 2009: no snark about law departments; Jan. 7, 2009: mistakes of newly-promoted managers; and Jan. 7, 2008: reasons to retain coaches.).