
More on rankings and honors for this blog — Wikio

Sorry, I can’t help myself. I am proud of this blog and pour so much time and attention into it I can’t pass by a metric regarding it (See my post of Dec. 13, 2009 #3: Technorati and two other rankings.).

Wikio reports monthly on a small set of legal-related blogs, including mine, which is number 84 out of 100. Of those ranked higher, three focus on legal technology (Technolawyer 41; Future Lawyer 59; and Dennis Kennedy 63) and three focus on law firm marketing or management (Legal Marketing 53; Legal Business Development 58, and Law Biz 79).

In my blog’s sphere of law departments and the law firms they retain, one might include Pat Lamb’s blog (30), Gerry Riskin’s Amazing Firms (65), and Matt Homann’s The [non]billable hour (72).

Here is how Wikio arrives at its rankings. “The position of a blog in the Wikio ranking depends on the number and weight of the incoming links from other blogs. Our algorithm accords a greater value to links from blogs placed higher up in the ranking. A blog linking another blog is only counted once a month. The weight of any link decreases over time. Also, if a blog always links to the same blog, the weight of these links is decreased. Only links found in RSS feeds are counted. Blogrolls are not taken into account.”