
More providers in India of law-related services

Other items have commented on Indian providers of off-shore law-related services (See my posts of June 15, 2005, which mentions Imaging & Abstract International; Nov. 14, 2005, which mentions Xania; and Jan. 6, 2006, which provides more detail on the report referred to here.). A report, issued in late 2005, profiles 15 vendors: ALMT Systems; Atlas Legal Research; Comat;; Integreon; Intellevate India; Lexadigm Solutions; Manthan Services; Mindcrest; NewGalexy (sic); Pangea3 (See my post of Jan. 28, 2007, on it and Lumen Legal.); Prolifus; Quislex; Variante Global; and Verist Research.

I checked most of them and they at least have a web presence. Meanwhile, I also found material from the Legal Support Global Group (a division of Goodsoft Inc.), which provides offshore “legal and paralegal support in such areas as “contract review and monitoring, contract drafting, document review for due diligence, patent drafting, simple filings, legal research,” and “litigation support.” The disclaimer at the bottom of page three of the Group’s website notes that “We are not a law firm and we do not provide legal advice.”