
Morrison’s Morsels (post scripts to previous posts) #13

Morale boosters. Barry Nagler said at an ABA Business Law Section GC conference that he gives “Get out of work for a day” spot gifts to his lawyers who have gone above and beyond the call of duty.

Customized matter management. Further to my post of Dec. 5, 2005 about OASIS, consider the U.S. Army Claims Service. As described in a session blurb for LegalTech 2005, the Service created a web-based system that consolidated over a 100 servers at many locations doing monthly data transfers. The new system enables the Service and its 85 branch offices to process “45,000 claims totaling $11.6 billion annually.”

Law firms and litigation support ancillary businesses (Sedgwick). Xerdict Group is a subsidiary of Sedgwick, Detert, Moran & Arnold. It provides litigation support technology for its clients, according to a release (See my post of Oct. 21, 2005 on Faegre & Benson’s litigation support group and my morsel of Feb. 7, 2006 on Hunton & William’s group.).