
Nine benefits to the use of specialized legal software ranked by French in-house counsel

During the summer of 2011, Legal Suite, a leading French provider of matter management software for legal departments, conducted a survey of visitors to Village de Justice, an online site for lawyers. They collected 58 responses and published the results.

One question asked about the benefits respondents anticipated from specialized legal-department software (“Quelles bénéfices attendez-vous d’un logiciel de gestion specialize?”). Nine choices were available to respondents. My translation of them follows and the percentage of respondents who selected them.

Improve our image as a business partner in the company (5%)
Automate tasks so we can focus on more strategic issues (7%)
Automate collection of data (8%)
Measure activity: volume, areas of law handled, elapsed time, compliance (11%)
Report accurately and reliably: provide visibility to the executive team (11%)
Improve tracking of tasks and commitments (12%)
Increase productivity and control volume through standardization (14%)
Create a system of alerts and follow-ups (15%)
Reduce legal risks and increase compliance (16%)

A reasonable list. It does not reflect furtherance of knowledge management or cost control but otherwise these are likely benefits from specialized software for law departments, such as matter management, contract management and intellectual property management packages.

If you would like to see the report, write Legal Suite and mention this post.