
Online salary calculator from Robert Half for in-house lawyers

Having just written about’s data online (See my post of Jan. 13, 2011: base salary for Associate General Counsel at $199,361.). I poked around on the Robert Half Salary Calculator.

To try to get a comparable figure, I selected my Princeton zipcode – probably a relatively high cost area of the country – and picked an attorney with 10-12 years of experience since there are no titles to select. The calculator told me that salaries ranged from $159,075 to $274,995. It added that the “midpoint,” which is a more user-friendly term than the mathematical and technical “median,” is $217,035. Thus, the two online sites offer reasonably similar figures.

There may well be other online sources of compensation information for in-house lawyers (please let me know!). Since they offer compensation data for free, an in-house lawyer could pull data from several of them and average the results. Robert Half even sends out a free 2011 Salary Guide.