
Paralegal certifications vary, but training ought to be continually pursued

A letter to the editor in Business Law Today, Vol. 16, March/April 2007 at 9, went further into paralegal certification than this blog has previously (See my post of March 23, 2006 for the National Association of Legal Assistants’ program that leads to becoming a Certified Legal Assistant.). The letter writer, Tina Boone, noted the Professional Paralegal (PP) certification offered by NALS Boone herself has obtained an “advanced certification for legal professionals (PLS) and she mentions the status of “Registered Paralegal.”

Her primary point is that lawyers, including in-house counsel, should push their legal assistants and paralegals to obtain training and certification, and follow it up with continuing training and education (See my posts of March 18, 2005 and its question of whether there are limits on what good paralegals can do; and March 17, 2005 on compensation levels and classification for paralegals.).