
Rees Morrison’s Morsels #104 – additions to earlier posts and short takes

100 online resources on offshoring. A Canadian collaborative law blog, Slaw touches on LPO often, especially in this article: “LPO Provides a Positive Boost for Economy in Recession.” This blog, not listed by me previously (See my post of Jan. 18, 2009: 15 legal offshoring blogs.), comes from oDeskBlog.

Poor use of in-house legal energy, courtesy of Twitter. “ImAPosTaLKiDd: okkkk the legal department from the United States Postal Service voiced a complaint to twitter regarding my account name! IMAPOSTALKIDD” I found this gem on Twitter after I searched the term “legal department” on May 19, 2009. At the risk of losing my franking privilege, let me be frank. Surely, the United States Postal Service’s in-house team has better uses of its time than to try to lick variations on “going postal.” Second, I say “Free the PosTalKiDd One!”

Formal models we can only dream about: mathematical, computational and logical
. “In mathematical models the researcher begins by outlining a set of mathematical conditions that describe the phenomenon of interest and then uses mathematical proofs to demonstrate propositions that follow from them. In simulations (also known as computational models) the theorist similarly writes a set of conditions that represent the assumptions of the model, but instead of validating applications by analytical prince, he or she generates outcomes computationally across ranges of values for the parameters that determine these outcomes. By formal logic, meanwhile, the researcher translates natural language assumptions into statements in symbolic logic and then uses methods such as truth tables to prove the propositions implied by those statements” (See my post of May 15, 2005: Monte Carlo simulations as computational models.). Compared to verbal theorizing, a natural language approach, these three methods have (1) precision and transparency, (too close friend logical consistency, and (3) an ability to identify unanticipated implications. This heady material comes from the Acad. of Mgt. Rev., Vol. 34, April 2009 at 202. Law department modeling is a long, long way from these sophisticated tools.