
Rees Morrison’s Morsels #49 – humble additions to previous posts

More ads with law department endorsements. K&L Ι Gates runs an ad in which it interviews Kenneth L. Meltzner, general counsel of Saks Fifth Avenue, in InsideCounsel, June 2007 at 86. Gail Lione, general counsel of Harley-Davidson, adorns the ads of BNA — ACC Docket, Vol. 24, Oct. 2006 at 27, and Jerry Temko, general counsel of Astellas Pharma Europe appears on behalf of LexisNexis in the same issue at 11 (See my post of June 6, 2006 on law departments in service providers’ ads; and May 8, 2007 #1 on Concentra.).

Onerous RFPs. From Amy Campbell’s Web Log comes a comment that made me smile (and wince). Greg Butler, a lawyer with Northeast Utilities, regaled a group of marketers with an anecdote. “We once had a firm who offered us a discount if they could forego the response to our RFP”! (See my posts of March 13, 2007 about Pfizer’s P3 pain [two posts]; April 16, 2007 about GE’s; and May 3, 2007 about major RFP processes with references cited.).

Offshore vendors. You can find an excellent compilation of information about offshoring at Ron Friedmann’s blog, PrismLegal. He and Joy London, of Excited Utterances, periodically update the list (See my post of Nov. 14, 2005 about offshoring and references cited; Jan. 6, 2006 on India; Jan. 27, 2006 on Accenture and Mauritius; Jan. 10, 2006 on relative cost estimates; Sept. 18, 2006 about DuPont and its efforts; Feb. 18, 2007 on a New York State Bar Association ruling; and April 27, 2007 by Brad Blickstein on outsourcing vs. offshoring.).

New magazine for law departments: CCCA Magazine. I received and have drawn on the inaugural issue of .CCCA Mag., Vol. 1, March 2007. The Canadian Corporate Counsel Association has 3,800 in-house counsel members and 5,000 law firm associate members

Costs of arbitration and an online calculator. The ACC Docket, Vol. 25, June 2007, at 62, mentions a cost calculator by the International Chamber of Commerce. “By way of example, to conduct an ICC arbitration in a $10 million dispute overseen by a panel of three arbitrators, the estimated administrative and arbitrators’ fees (assuming average rates and not including the arbitrators’ expenses) is $304,025” (See my post of May 4, 2007 on the drawbacks of international arbitration; and May 23, 2007 #2 for more details.).