
Secondments to headquarters as a way to integrate foreign-based lawyers

The top lawyer of a global law department ought to think about how to create a one-world department. Shared culture, shared training, and shared experiences knit a geographically dispersed legal team. The general counsel of Synnex, the $7 billion IT information provider, has lawyers in China. According to the general counsel, Simon Leung, in 8-K, Vol. 4, Fall 2008 at 12, ā€œIā€™m in the process of getting the visas for one of my Beijing attorneys for a two-or three-year secondment so she will be totally ingrained into the Synnex way of doing things and the Synnex culture.ā€

Not many general counsel can transplant a lawyer from one continent to another for few years to indoctrinate and train them, but for those who have just the right circumstances, it might make sense over the long haul (See my post of Nov. 16, 2008: considerations before staffing a lawyer overseas*7.).