
Software and other technology used by large German law departments

An excellent chart in a recent benchmark report by Otto Henning & Co. based on large German companies provides insights into their law departments and level of use of nine technologies. Based on implemented systems only (Im Einsatz), all of them have access to a corporate intranet (Unternehmens-Intranet). Online research (Nachschlagewerke, including z.B. JURIS, Beck Online) is available for 89 percent of them. Document management software has been implemented by 65 percent of the 56 law departments followed by “Workflow-Systeme” in 51 percent. That latter category intrigues me, even more because of how common it is.

In decreasing order after those four technologies are e-learning systems, project or matter management (Wissenmanagement-systeme), transcription equipment and software, time tracking (20%) and matter management systems (Externe Kanzlei-Rechtnungsprüfung z.B Legalbil, DataCert). The age of integrated e-billing and matter management has not yet dawned in Germany.