
Some additional techniques to generate new ideas through brainstorming

Improvisation techniques applied to members of a brainstorming group have much value, judging from a sidebar in Rotman Mag., Fall 2011 at 18. For example, (1) identify a leader, someone who is empowered to keep an eye on the group and its dynamics. (2) Use “build on the ideas of the previous person”: when someone offers an idea, the next several people must say, “Yes, a good idea and let’s ….” and push further on it. (3) Free-wheeling: pick an idea and “pass it around” so that everyone tries to embellish it, alter it, push it further.

Lawyers find it difficult, I suspect it is fair to say, to unbutton, improvise and float in creativity. These acting prods may help them reach their inner, creative selves through brainstorming. Since my last metapost on brainstorming I have written six more flashes (See my post of Jan. 4, 2009: electronic brainstorming with decision-support software; April 6, 2009: brainwriting as an alternative; April 27, 2009: 11 suggestions for a brainstorming session; June 1, 2009: reverse brainstorming; Jan. 28, 2011: brainstorming replaced by techniques based on neuroscience; and June 9, 2011: a tool for Six Sigma.).