
The frequent flyer way to unify a global legal department

“At Hilton, I or another member of law department executive management team personally visited our locations with lawyers at least once every three months (or have the lawyers visit headquarters).” Tim Glassett, the former general counsel of Hilton Hotels, explains that in E. Leigh Dance, Bright Ideas: Insights from Legal Luminaries Worldwide (Mill City Press 2009) at 18 (See my post of July 16, 2009: globe-trotters need stamina.).

Many law departments these days have dispersed their office locations to be near business units (See my post of Sept. 16, 2008: foreign locations of in-house counsel with 11 references.). To keep those distributed members feeling part of the team, not to mention to coordinate substantive legal practices and manage personnel, senior managers in legal departments become “have passport, will travel.”