
The key to improving your rate of learning is to correctly space practice sessions

How much and how quickly you can recall facts is one way to distinguish yourself as an in-house lawyer. Along with your time, your memory is your stock in trade. Fortunately, techniques exist that let you sharpen your memory (See my posts of April 22, 2008: cognition-enhancing drugs; April 18, 2005: take notes; March 5, 2005: Google Desktop; and Jan. 17, 2006: narratives to store memories; and May 2, 2008: get enough sleep.). Hence, the advice of Wired, May 28 at 120, has significant importance (See my post of July 15, 2005: modes of learning.).

A fundamental practice, considered in detail in the article, helps you store and retrieve facts better. Return to the material a few times and at the right time intervals. The efficiencies created by precise spacing are so large, and the improvement in performance so predictable, that all of us should remember to put it into practice.