
The long tail of those who bill short time periods on matters

The concept of Pareto’s Law shows up everywhere (See my post of June 27, 2007 on the law and an illustration.). If you look at the bills of the law firm you use the most over a six-month period, and sort the time billed on your matters by associates, paralegals, and partners, you will see it manifested. A few of those timekeepers will account for the largest portion of your bills, but there will be a long tail of occasional billers and those who only put in tiny dribs of time (See my post of Dec. 8, 2006 about core teams in law firms.).

It is the long-tail billers that should be the targets of your saving efforts. Sporadic, quick, drive-by billing cannot be efficient (See my post Nov. 6, 2007 on billing concentration.).