
Thomson Reuters on a buying spree of interest to legal departments

Within a week or two, Thomson Reuters purchased both Serengeti and Pangea3. The former has one of the best positions as a provider of e-billing and matter management systems to law departments. Upwards of 400 legal departments use its Tracker software. For years Serengeti has also hosted a survey of management practices in law departments (See my post of May 29, 2009: survey data from Serengeti with 24 references.).

Pangea3 works with both law departments and law firms and has been among the most prominent LPO providers for years. It was one of the earliest offshoring groups to achieve widespread name recognition.

With both companies, Thomson Reuters has acquired well-known, respected companies. With its additional capital, resources, and related offerings (such as HildebrandtBakerRobbins), the TR group is amassing an array of capabilities for general counsel.