
Track client usage of legal documents on your intranet site

When you post documents on a legal intranet, many intranet packages can tell you how many times clients download them (See my posts of March 1, 2007 #3 about Honeywell’s legal intranet; and March 13, 2007 on mini-intranet sites.). If you track and study that data, you can find out which of your forms are most useful and you can give thought to why some forms languish.

It may be that clients can’t easily find the right forms. Your navigation tools, site layer, search functions, or naming conventions are poor. Or, perhaps, clients do not even know that legal forms are available for their use (See my post of Sept. 14, 2005 on clients and the self-service model.).

Clients may be afraid to use a form that seems too daunting to them. And, finally, the forms may simply not be very useful, or useful to very many clients.

Obviously, you need to have some idea of how many clients might theoretically draw on the documents. If you know that figure, you can make a judgment about how effective is your online document repository.