
Try a blog within your law department

LawyerKM on Nov. 1, 2007 has a post that had me nodding my head in agreement. Your law department could try a blog.

“But some [law] firms are using blogs to communicate internally. We love the idea because (in theory) it can help cut down on mass emails that contain general, non-urgent information. Those periodic case law update emails are a good example. Blogs are also great because (unlike email) they create an automatic, searchable, taggable archive of content. So, if you need to find that blog post about that certain case law update from three months ago, you can search the blog rather than your Outlook folders. You can also bring new members of a department up to speed more quickly – “Check the blog…” The result: a real KM tool – a place to store our collective knowledge for quick and easy retrieval.”

The entry points out that SharePoint offers a blogging component. Other solutions include WordPress, Movabletype, and Community Server. Law departments! To the ramparts of blogdom!