
Two online forums for law department management (Legal OnRamp and LinkedIn)

The Am. Lawyer, Dec. 2008, at 110, discusses topic forums on Paul Lippe’s Legal OnRamp. The forum with the most members is “Effective Management of Law Departments,” which I proudly moderate. It has more than 110 members. If in-house counsel want to join Legal OnRamp and take part, I welcome them all.

Correspondingly, the Law Department Management group in LinkedIn, which I also created and nurture, has 76 members. Members do not contribute much, but they appreciate material published on the forum.

I have not cross-checked the members to see how much duplication, if any, there may be. If you are reading this post, you might want to join either or both. Also, let me know of other online fora (or fauna as I am fauna them all) that pertain to in-house management.