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Legal-department management memology – Part III, concepts

Management concepts are broad ideas I chose and ranked ten of them in one post (See my post of Feb. 1, 2009: ten most important concepts: client, decisions, information flow, objectivity, productivity, quality, risk, structure, talent, and value) and then bit off the next ten (See my post of April 5, 2009: benchmarks, collaboration (teamwork), delegation, empowerment, knowledge management, processes, professional development (CLE), priorities, recognition and rewards, and technology (software).).

Other management concepts relevant to general counsel include alignment, accountability, authority, communication, conflicts of interest, evaluation, global, infrastructure, high performer, leadership and management, matter, mistake, priorities [core comp], reporting, satisfaction, strategic, systems, and tools.

Possibly this is intellectual navel-gazing (See my post of July 14, 2008: no useful distinction between words and concepts; and June 13, 2006: words can be defined but concepts must be interpreted;.). Perhaps, but this series is about clarity of thought and expression (See my post of Nov. 26, 2006: memes; Aug. 29, 2008: professionals may not be intellectuals; Sept. 21, 2008: concepts hover in a multi-dimensional space; Sept. 22, 2008: post-modernism; April 9, 2008: twins, braids, and DNA; June 22, 2008: differences between tools, processes, and concepts; Jan. 4, 2009: contrasting pairs of thematic concepts; and Jan. 1, 2008: we hypostatize and simplify complex ideas.).

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