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Two-way evaluations of individual performance – internal of external and the reverse

Monsanto’s legal department “involves itself in succession issues for legal teams at their preferred providers,” according to Corp. Counsel, Vol. 16, June 2009 at 65. I have previously written (See my post of Jan. 13, 2008: interventions that go to far.) that it is over-reaching for a general counsel to evaluate the performance and influence the promotion of individual law-firm lawyers (See my post of Nov. 15, 2005: performance evaluations of law firms.). And I have yet to hear of a law department that lets its law firm partners significantly evaluate the performance of inside lawyers.

But I urge you, if you are a major client of a firm, to have at least veto power over the selection of a relationship partner (See my post of July 26, 2008: relationship partners with 8 references.). That evaluation extends more broadly than the partner’s abilities as a lawyer.

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