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A wiki for corporate legal forms – a forum to annotate and improve free agreements online

A corporate lawyer at Brown Brothers Harriman, Florian Feder, has created a legal wiki, It provides a free depository of sophisticated legal documents. According to Robert Ambrogi, who wrote about this resource on June 3, 2011, “Notably, the site is not intended to serve as a cache of ready-to-use legal forms. Instead, its founder hopes that the wiki feature — which allows anyone to add and edit forms — will provide a vehicle for lawyers to improve the forms and lead to a consensus of what they should say.

The wiki has fewer than 10 forms posted so far, including some often-used agreements. Feder describes himself as “interested in the art (science?) of contract drafting and in ways of making this process more efficient with the help of new technologies.” I am grateful to Vince Polley and KnowConnect PLLC for bringing Ambrogi’s post to my attention.