
After three weeks, the largest benchmark study’s median department has nine lawyers and supports $2.3 billion in revenue

The 93 companies processed to date have 2,096 lawyers, 569 paralegals, and 1,292 other legal support staff. Aggregated, their internal spend has reached almost $900 million and the external counsel spend close to $1 billion. With the median company at nine lawyers and $2.3 billion in revenue (right you are, close to four lawyers per billion), the earliest survey participants range from legal departments of one lawyer to more than 190 and revenue from less than $100 million to much more than $50 billion. More than a third of the companies have revenue that would put them on the US Fortune 500 list.

Include your legal department in the largest benchmarking database ever assembled! Get your full report in April by clicking here to take the six-minute, confidential online survey based on your fundamental 2009 metrics. Normal charges are waived during February.
